Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bleach in....Bleach out

So we have been doing a lot to 1.) get ready to finish up the internship and 2.) get ready for camp. For the last few days that has meant cleaning. We were up at Fort Roller all day yesterday mowing, weed whacking, sweeping, raking, power washing, scrubbing, assembling, re-arranging and disinfecting. Today we detailed all of Frontier Town and then went back up to Fort Roller to finish up some things. After that we moved over to Arrowhead woods and did the same thing. Things are really starting to look good! They were looking pretty bad. We had the privilege of cleaning some bathrooms that have been locked since end of last summer. You would think they would be clean... but no. One word...Mold. We pretty much doused each bathroom with bleach and then power washed them. Then we sprayed them down with bleach again and let them sit over night. We power washed them again today and then gave them a really good cleaning! They look good now! However, we got nasty. We also stirred up a lot of dust while we were sweeping and pollen while the guys were working on the grounds. So my allergies were not happy yesterday. We were all nasty and tired after both day's work but the place really does look good and it helped that we were all working together. Plus it is fun to see camp start coming together. I have been slowly getting stuff together around the house. Most of it is packed now. Just sitting in the closet all sad.... We all had exit interview with Matt today. It just feels so weird that all this is ending. Ohh well, at least I am going out the same way I came in.... scrubbing everything with bleach! haha

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Since our internship trip we have been working like crazy! I hosted TNT for a retreat the weekend we got back and then had a nice day off before we got busy cleaning and getting RVR ready for camp. I have been doing a lot of programing lately, to get super sleuth ready! We had an over-night Outdoor Ed. group in this week that we ran meals and activities for. Then we had several groups in over this past weekend that we needed to clean for. Those groups have come and gone and now we are once again enjoying a much needed day off.

The weekend seems to have scattered the interns! Beth has been on vacation in Italy for the last week. Dessa went home for her parent's anniversary. Ryan was on a recruiting trip and then went home. Bill worked paintball for the retreat on Saturday and then disappeared, we aren't sure where he went. Taco hosted the retreats this weekend and I helped with activities and some programing stuff. Today there really isn't anyone around. It is kinda rainy. After church Taco and I went to Gettysburg to do some shopping and then to see a movie! We also got in 9 holes of disc golf! It was a pretty great afternoon!

We are facing the beginning of our last full week as interns.... the feeling is bitter-sweet. This summer is promising to be amazing! but I am going to miss my life as an intern. And I have no idea what comes next.......

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

New look!

Cutest Blog on the Block! Free blog backrounds and banners! Check it out!

Here is what I did this week besides giving my blog a face lift!

Monday: Taco and I went to Shady Maple smorgasbord in Lancaster with the CTI team! Then we played pickle ball and practiced throwing discs at a park. Later that evening we met up with some more ranch people at the Philly stadium to see the Philly/St. Louis game! St. Louis won! There were a lot of great plays and home runs! It was awesome to see the pros play! It was dollar dog night so that was a bonus! Also, a fan hopped the fence and was running around the field. It was kinda funny watching him run around and dodge the security guys... Until he got taized! then it was hilarious!!!!!!!
Tuesday: All staff deep clean day #2! We spent the day cleaning! Then, after work we went canoeing to practice for our trip next week! We had a nice packed dinner by the water!
Wednesday: We have an Outdoor Ed. spending two nights this week. We served them meals and worked on the grounds up at Fort Roller and then wrote a paper!
Thursday: Meals, activities, gathering gear for our trip!

Tomorrow I am getting up early and going to a home school convention in PA to recruit campers! I will be there all day Friday and then again on Saturday! Early Sunday morning we will be hitting the road for our 5 day intern trip! We are going to Assateague island for a few days of back woods camping! We will be canoeing out to our camp spot! Then we are going to spend one night in Great Falls and do some climbing! Please pray for our safety and that we will have a great time! I will be sure to take lots of pictures and post all about it when I get back!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

BBC, Blessings in DC, Barnstormers and Benches....

I spent Tuesday and Wednesday on a recruiting trip in PA at BBC with the Merson family, May and Dessa! It was fun times goofing off at the booth, playing with Lilah and spending time with Michelle and May's college friends. The part that was not so fun was that it was 20 degrees colder at BBC than it was at RVR. We were not prepared for the snow flurries that we had in PA!

On Thursday we had an outdoor edd. group in! I teamed up with Matt to lead initiatives. After lunch Taco and I had taken the rest of the day off to go see his CTI friends who were in DC. They were playing at a mission so we went to volunteer a bit and watch them play. They were great! After their concert we all went to the Mall to walk around and see the sights. They are great people and are doing wonderful things in their ministry! I was really blessed to be able to spend the evening with them!

On Friday we helped out some more with the group and then cleaned for the next one! It was beautiful outside! It has been all week! After work a group of us went to Lancaster to watch a Barnstormers minor league game! It was fun sitting in the lawn seats, hanging out, watching the game! Our tickets included all you could eat at the concession stands! That was a bonus for all of us! After the game there were fireworks!

Saturday I spent the day with Matt and a volunteer group fixing and painting benches. It was hot out there under the sun all day and I have the sun burn to prove it! By the end of the day I was tired, but the benches looked great! Then I went to babysit at the Zeigenfuses! It was just what I needed! I love playing and then snuggling with those cute little boys and sweet Abby! It was good for my soul!

Unfortunately at some point during the week I must have developed an immunity to my allergy meds. The occasional sore throat and sometimes stuffy and other times runny nose that had been off and on all week climaxed late last night. Probably because I was so tired! After a hot shower I went to bed only to toss and turn and eventually end up on the couch where I could actually breath because I was propped up higher. This morning I took another hot shower because that seems to be the only thing that helps and opted to watch Church on the computer on the couch in my comfy clothes with a roll of toilet paper. (because I don't have tissues) I do feel a bit better though... aside from needing to be attached to the toilet paper. (for my nose) I think I am going to take it easy today....laundry and the race!