Monday, June 7, 2010


The last few days of the internship were spent getting ready for camp and cleaning up and moving out of our houses. It was very bitter-sweet! Matt planned a nice graduation dinner for us that we invited our families to and we all had a great time fellowshiping with ranch family and friends. It was very special. I have come to understand how much I love the people here and how much they have influenced my life. I have learned from them, laughed with them, ached with them, sweat with them, froze with them, joined with them in serving others, been served by them and served them. They have been a blessing to me and I hope I have been a blessing to them.

Matt and the interns have been all this and more. We have watched each other learn, helped each other grow, relied on one another's strengths and picked up where there were weaknesses. The fights, the tears, the laughter, the sweat, the blood, the prayers, the stories and the jokes were real and were shared by all. Together we went from being unsure and confused to confident and only slightly confused. I have made memories, acquired skills, formed friendships, built character and gained knowledge that will be with me for the rest of my life.

The internship is over, But summer camp is about to begin! I can't wait to watch RVR come alive with kids! I am excited about using my skills and new insight this summer as I minister to the campers. I also look forward to seeing the other interns thrive in the positions we have been preparing for.

It was a great 9 months! These last three will be even better! Boomstang!